Monday, May 26, 2014


kite shop -
entering with every customer
the summer breeze
--Bouwe Brouwer, The Netherlands

What could be more delightful than, a kite in the wind? Held high out our reach, our only connection a fragile string, which the mighty wind in one moody swing could dramatize who's in control and whose not. The bigness and smallness of this scene wrapped in a tag of experience.

Bouwe does not wait for the outdoor experience, but on the instinct of the haiku magician; he conjours this scene of kite haven, bringing in the star of the show 'summer breeze'. A preview, a trialer to the life of this yet un-bought side star, the kite.

I like the play of time in this haiku, the projection of the future with the image of the present wind. There were no comments with the votes for this haiku, which emerged first this time around, yet clearly chosen as the 'highest flyer'.

Well done! Bouwe
--gillena cox
Caribbean Kigo Kukai - founder/coordinator

The Kigo was kite