Wednesday, May 9, 2018


refugee child
in his overcoat pocket
a Disneyland map
This haiku, written using 9 English words, just tugs at the heart in a big way. It zeros in to that place
in each and every one of us where we hold our dreams. Just like in the pocket of this child; who has no control,
no blame in his circumstances. It pokes at our vulnerability and cuddles our hope.
All this he does in, his syllables [16] held within the haiku standard. He presents in the English neoclasical
style of three lines.
For me this just whets the haiku appetite and leaves us wanting more such goodies from haijin.

Well Done Cezar

gillena cox; Founder/coordinator-Caribbean Kigo Kukai

pocket was the Kigo for this Kukai.

See Results HERE